Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Why it is important to predict which lymphoma patients may relapse early

. Buy Facial Moisturizers7 online fter analyzing data on hundreds of cases, researchers suggest that 2 years - rather than the more common 5 years for many cancer patients - might be a more practical survival goal for patients with a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma called follicular lymphoma. Follicular lymphoma develops when the body makes abnormal B-lymphocytes, which build up in lymph nodes. Early relapse should be carefully considered when oncologists and patients make decisions about treatment, concludes a team led by Carla Casulo, oncologist and assistant professor of Medicine at the University of Rochester, NY, writing in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. While most follicular lymphoma patients can expect to live 20 years, a distinct group of around 1 in 5 patients consistently experiences a return of the blood cancer within 2 years of receiving even the most up-to-date treatment. The study is the first to confirm that this group is likely to experience poor survival - 50% of these patients die within 5 years. Prof. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com Buy Prilosec (Omeprazole) with no prescription Casulo says these early relapsing patients may have a disease with distinctly different biology, and notes: "Through research we have confirmed that all relapsed patients are not equal, and therefore should not be approached the same at diagnosis nor at the time of relapse in terms of therapies." Gene-expression profiling will be important to understand high-risk group The researchers came to their conclusions after analyzing data from 588 patients with stage 2-4 follicular lymphoma. Floxin (Ofloxacin) They also confirmed their findings in an independent patient cohort. Prof. Buy Verapamil (Arpamyl) Casulo says it is critical to predict which follicular lymphoma patients are likely to relapse early, and: "We believe that targeted sequencing or gene-expression profiling will be important to understanding how to improve the outcomes of this group." The National Cancer Institute is starting to develop clinical trials for this high-risk, early-relapsing group of patients. Lymphomas - cancers of the lymphatic system - are divided into Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, of which follicular lymphoma is the second most common. Follicular lymphoma develops when the body makes abnormal B-lymphocytes - a type of white blood cell. Buy Bicalutamide The affected cells accumulate in lymph nodes. In the US, around 15,000 people a year are affected by follicular lymphoma. You can find out more about investigational treatments for all types of lymphoma, including follicular lymphoma, that are currently being evaluated at cancer treatment centers nationwide, from the Lymphoma Research Foundation s clinical trials information service. In December 2014, Medical News Today reported how a team of researchers had identified some early gene changes that precede blood cancer. About LIV.52 drops () without prescription They suggested their findings could open new ways to research blood cancers and identify high-risk groups. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Monday, June 29, 2015

African-American, Latino citizens at increased risk of mental health issues

. Buy Dog Vitamins online Research conducted by the University of California-Los Angeles Center for Culture, Trauma and Mental Health Disparities investigates the extent to which African-American, Latino and Hispanic citizens in the US are disproportionately affected by chronic disease and mental health issues. Overall, the greater the burden people had of specific negative life experiences over their lifetime, the more likely they were to go on to have the more severe psychological symptoms. Published in the journal Psychological Trauma, the first of two studies by the Center looked at certain negative experiences common among low-income African-Americans and Latinos. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com About Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) with no Rx The researchers invited 500 low-income African-American and Hispanic people to self-report stress and mental health measures. These included experiences of discrimination, childhood violence, poverty and trauma. Using "structural equation modeling," the University of California-Los Angeles Center (UCLA) team mapped a correlation between accumulation of specific negative experiences and the likeliness of the subjects later experiencing psychological problems. Overall, the greater the burden people had of these experiences over their lifetime, the more likely they were to go on to have the more severe symptoms of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the authors say that many of the psychological problems that occur as a result of chronic life stress and trauma remain undetected and, therefore, untreated. Gail Wyatt, a professor of psychiatry at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and a senior author of both studies, explains: "Only a small proportion of individuals with psychological distress are identified in healthcare settings, and a smaller fraction of those ever receive appropriate treatment, especially for the experiences of discrimination. We talk about being discriminated against, but people don t learn how to cope with it effectively throughout their lives. About Januvia (Sitagliptin Phosphate) with free prescription If they don t manage it well enough, the consequences can be long-lasting and life-threatening." The authors define five environmental factors that predict depression, anxiety and PTSD among adults. These are: Experiences of discrimination due to racial, ethnic, gender or sexual orientation A history of sexual abuse A history of violence in the family or from an intimate partner A history of violence in an individuals community A chronic fear of being killed or seriously injured. The UCLA Life Adversities Screener The second study, published in the journal Psychological Assessment, further investigated these five factors - developing a new screening tool that could be applied to clinical settings. This research resulted in the UCLA Life Adversities Screener, or LADS - a questionnaire designed to help health care providers offer more accurate stress and trauma treatment. "Given the utility and ease of use, LADS could be effective as a screening tool to identify ethnic and racial minority individuals in primary care settings who have a high trauma burden, and who need more extensive evaluation," says first author Honghu Liu, a professor in the UCLA School of Dentistry. Tricor (Fenofibrate) without Rx "We feel it will capture experiences that could be missed with current screening approaches," Prof Liu adds. Buy Beclovent with free Rx "This could optimize affordable care as it strives to improve prevention of mental health problems." In April, Medical News Today reported on a study published in JAMA Psychiatry that found prevalence of major depression is lower among African-American women in rural areas than among African-American women who live in urban areas. Mircette (Desogestrel / Ethinyl estradiol) Major depression is defined as having at least five depressive symptoms - including persistent sadness, feelings of hopelessness, guilt and worthlessness, insomnia and thoughts of death or suicide - for a 2-week period or longer. Written by David McNamee

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Arthritis drug could be used to treat vitiligo

A drug commonly used to treat inflammation of the lining of joints could also be a potential new treatment for disfiguring skin condition vitiligo, according to the authors of a new study. Vitiligo causes the development of patches of discolored skin through the loss of pigmentation. The study, published in JAMA Dermatology, details the case of one patient whose progressive vitiligo was successfully treated by dermatologists from Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CN. "While it s one case, we anticipated the successful treatment of this patient based on our current understanding of the disease and how the drug works," says principal investigator Dr. Loxitane (Loxapine) with free prescription Brett King, an assistant professor of dermatology at Yale. The drug in question, tofacitinib, is typically used to treat moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the lining of the joints. Buy Loxitane (Loxapine) with no prescription It belongs to a family of drugs known as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors that have been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Previously, Dr. About Lioresal (Baclofen) with free Rx King discovered that tofacitinib could be used to treat hair loss caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Vitiligo is also considered to be an autoimmune disorder, with the immune system targeting skin cells called melanocytes that produce the skin s pigmentation. About Avalide without Rx People with vitiligo develop patches on their skin that are devoid of pigmentation and color. About Penegra (Sildenafil Citrate) In severe cases, the discoloration can cause significant psychological distress. There are several treatments available for treating vitiligo, such as steroid creams and light therapy, but none of these are reliably effective in reversing the symptoms of the condition. Researchers believe discovery could revolutionize vitiligo treatment The subject of the study was a 53-year-old patient with prominent white patches covering the skin of her face, hands and body that had been increasing over the previous year. Buy Cranberry Tea online She had received treatment in the form of ointments and light therapy, but these did not halt the condition s progression. Due to tofacitinib s success in treating alopecia areata, Dr. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com King and study co-author Dr. Brittany Craiglow believed that it might also prove effective at treating vitiligo. For their trial, the patient received an oral dose of the drug of 5 mg every other day, which increased to 5 mg a day after 3 weeks. The researchers found that after 2 months of treatment, the patient had experienced partial repigmentation on her arms, face and hands. After 5 months, the white patches she had been most concerned with on her face and hands were nearly all gone. Only a few white spots remained on other parts of her body. The dosage administered during the trial was half the approved dosage for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Crucially, the patient did not experience any adverse effects upon taking tofacitinib. "It s a first, and it could revolutionize treatment of an awful disease," says Dr. King. "This may be a huge step forward in the treatment of patients with this condition." As the study only involved one patient, Dr. King acknowledges that further research will be needed to confirm that the drug is both safe and effective in treating vitiligo. He now hopes to conduct a clinical trial using tofacitinib or ruxolitinib - another JAK inhibitor that may be able to treat alopecia areata - to treat the disorder. "Alopecia areata and vitiligo share genetic risk factors and can co-occur within families and individual patients, suggesting a common pathogenesis," write the authors. "As such, it is not surprising that a medication that has been shown to be effective in treating alopecia areata may also be effective in treating vitiligo." Medical News Today reported on how ruxolitinib could restore hair growth in patients with alopecia areata last August. The drug is more commonly used to treat a rare bone marrow disease. Written by James McIntosh

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Scientists use 'arousometer' to measure what turns off women most

Scientists have taken the first biological measure of sexual arousal in women experiencing disgust, and found that feelings of disgust are a bigger turn-off than feelings of fear. The "arousometer" was a vaginal photoplethysmograph - a clear acrylic tampon-shaped device to measure genital blood flow. Using a device inserted into women to measure genital blood flow as a gauge of sexual arousal, Diana Fleischman, PhD, an evolutionary psychologist at the UK s University of Portsmouth, investigated 76 heterosexual women aged between 18 and 42 years. The findings, which also measured the women s self-reported feelings, are published in the online journal PLOS One. Dr. Indocin Sr (Indomethacin) with free Rx Fleischman says: "Sex includes increased contact with body odors and fluids which, in other contexts, strongly suggest disease and would elicit disgust. "Women are more vulnerable to contracting diseases through sex than men and show worse outcomes once infected, so we should expect that women will be especially turned off when they are disgusted." One group of women in the study were shown disgusting images before watching an erotic film. Buy Nizoral Cream (Ketoconazole) The second group watched an erotic film and were then shown disgusting images. The third group were shown frightening images before watching an erotic film. About Duricef (Cefadroxil) with free prescription And the fourth watched an erotic film and were then shown frightening images. Images used to elicit disgust in the women included diseased or injured humans and human corpses, feces and people vomiting. Buy Artone with free Rx The images designed to elicit fear included violent people, dangerous animals, weapons, heights, tornados and fire. The erotic films were intended to be sexually appealing specifically to women and were produced and directed by women. Before the experiments, all the women were asked to insert a vaginal photoplethysmograph - a clear acrylic tampon-shaped device that measures blood flow to the vagina as an indication of sexual arousal. Buy Provera (Medroxyprogesterone Acetate) without Rx They were also asked to report their own degree of arousal, disgust and fear after their tests. Women exposed to disgusting images before watching an erotic film were three times less sexually aroused than those who had seen frightening images or those in the control group. Overcoming disgust to have sex Dr. Buy Circulation online Fleischman says: "It makes sense that sexual arousal and disgust would affect one another. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Sexual arousal motivates us toward closeness with others and their bodies while disgust motivates us away." He adds: "Given these competing motivations, every one of our ancestors had to overcome disgust in order to have sexual contact and reproduce." The researchers found that previous evidence was mixed on the question of whether sexual arousal decreases feeling of disgust in women. A consistent difference has been found between men and women: men are less sensitive to disgust when it comes to sex. "Previous studies have found that men and women who are exposed to sexually explicit images report less disgust," Dr. Fleischman explains. "However, our study is the first to measure blood flow to the genitals, which is necessary for sexual arousal, and how it interacts with disgust." The research found that women who are not very sensitive to feelings of disgust reduce their sensitivity further when sexually aroused. By contrast, women who are highly disgust-sensitive show greater disgust when they are sexually aroused. Dr Fleischman says: "When we are deciding whether to have sex, there are trade-offs to consider. On the one hand you must have sex to reproduce, and on the other hand sexual encounters are risky for disease transmission. "What our results suggest is that the story is more complicated for women and that women differ in how sexual arousal changes their disgust response." Written by Markus MacGill

Friday, June 26, 2015

Global AIDS efforts must improve or infections and deaths will increase

A report from the UNAIDS and Lancet Commission has stated that efforts to stop new HIV infections and improve access to antiretroviral treatment must intensify over the next 5 years, or else deaths from AIDS will increase globally. The Commission state that only a massive and rapid expansion of a comprehensive AIDS response by 2020 can achieve the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. "We have to act now. Indocin Sr (Indomethacin) with free Rx The next 5 years provide a fragile window of opportunity to fast-track the response and end the AIDS epidemic by 2030," says Michel Sidib e, co-convenor of the Commission and executive director of UNAIDS. Buy Nizoral Cream (Ketoconazole) "If we don t, the human and financial consequences will be catastrophic." The UNAIDS and Lancet Commission is a collaboration between political leaders, health and medical experts, scientists, activists and private sector representatives aiming to ensure that lessons learned in the AIDS response usher in a new era of sustainable development. According to the Commission, in 2013, the number of new HIV infections had fallen by 38% since 2001 to 2.1 million, and the number of AIDS-related deaths had fallen by 35% since 2005 to 1.5 million. Despite the progress that has been made, however, the report demonstrates that the rate of HIV infection is not falling fast enough. "We must face hard truths - if the current rate of new HIV infections continues, merely sustaining the major efforts we already have in place will not be enough to stop deaths from AIDS increasing within 5 years in many countries," says lead author Prof. About Duricef (Cefadroxil) with free prescription Peter Piot, director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK. He states that although expanding sustainable access to treatment is important, we will not be able to "treat ourselves out of the AIDS epidemic." "We must also reinvigorate HIV prevention efforts, particularly among populations at highest risk, while removing legal and societal discrimination," he adds. The need to step up the AIDS response means many countries will need to increase their funding for HIV treatment. Buy Artone with free Rx However, in low-income countries with high HIV burdens, international solidarity and support will be required for this to happen. One finding of the report is that sustaining current HIV treatment and prevention programs in the most affected African countries from 2014 to 2030 would cost up to 2% of their GDP along with at least a third of their total health expenditure. Buy Provera (Medroxyprogesterone Acetate) without Rx In many countries, such financial support is impossible without international assistance. The report outlines seven key recommendations The report finds that it is not just those in low-income countries who are vulnerable, however. Buy Circulation online The Commission identifies a need to ensure people in middle-income countries, and particularly those in marginalized groups, are not left behind. Some countries have become complacent in their response to AIDS, the report states, and some HIV epidemics that have previously been stable or in a steady decline are now beginning to reverse with reports of new HIV infections rising. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Resurgent epidemics have been noted among men who have sex with men in parts of North America, Western Europe and Asia. The Commission make seven key recommendations concerning future responses to AIDS: Get serious about HIV prevention and continue to expand access to treatment Ramp up and fully fund AIDS efforts efficiently, with an emphasis on sustainability Demand strong accountability, transparency and better data Invest in research and innovation in all aspects of the AIDS response Reinforce leadership and engagement of people living with HIV, giving them a greater voice Find new ways to uphold human rights and address criminalization, decriminalization and stigma Promote more inclusive and coherent AIDS and health governance. If the response to AIDS is accelerated adequately over the next 5 years, the Commission believe that as well as greatly reducing HIV transmission and AIDS-related deaths, incidence of mother-to-child transmission could be eliminated by 2030. Although the authors found that the AIDS response needs to improve, there are lessons that can be learned from it and applied to future global health crises. "The movement created by the AIDS response is unprecedented - a system of checks and balances from a people-centered approach is one that more global health institutions should adopt," says Lancet editor-in-chief Dr. Richard Horton. "Identifying multi-sectoral stakeholders early will save time and money by ensuring the best solutions reach the right people." Whether the fight against AIDS can be won is no longer a question that the experts are asking. Rather, they are wondering will it be won and, if so, when? "The answers to these questions will eventually depend on the decisions made by leaders and institutions at all different levels, in all sectors and parts of society, and on the personal choices people make in their private lives," the Commission conclude. Recently, Medical News Today reported on research claiming to have made "a leap forward" in attempts to develop a vaccine against HIV. Written by James McIntosh

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What is a mammogram? When should I get a mammogram?

Breast cancer is a disease affecting approximately 2,300 men and 230,000 women annually in the United States.1 While most women are familiar with the term "mammogram," they may not be aware of what it is, why it is used and when it should be done. About Eulexin (Flutamide) A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray exam used by health care providers to evaluate for abnormalities in the breast not felt by a clinical breast exam, or to evaluate abnormal breast findings.2 Contents of this article: What is a mammogram? What do mammograms show? Benefits and risks of mammograms Mammogram recommendations: when should I get a mammogram? You will also see introductions at the end of some sections to any recent developments that have been covered by MNT s news stories. Precose (Acarbose) with free prescription Also look out for links to information about related conditions. Fast facts on mammograms Here are some key points about mammograms. Remeron (Mirtazapine) without Rx More detail and supporting information is in the main article. Every year over 200,000 American women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Mammograms can help find breast cancer early, when treatments are more likely to be successful. After increasing for many years, the percentage of women getting mammograms has leveled off over the past decade. Around 203,400 breast cancer deaths have been averted since 1991. Breast cancer death rate: down 34% between 1990 and 2010. Around 66.8% of women in the US 40 years of age and over have had a mammogram within the past 2 years. Of insured women, 29% are not getting their mammograms and of uninsured women, 68% are not getting their mammograms. Results from randomized clinical trials show that screening mammography can help reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer among women ages 40 to 74, especially for those over age 50. False-positive results occur when radiologists decide mammograms are abnormal but no cancer is actually present. Getting a high-quality screening mammogram and having a clinical breast exam on a regular basis are the most effective ways to detect breast cancer early. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors for breast cancer and the screening plan that is best for you. What is a mammogram? Mammograms can be used for two reasons - to screen for or diagnose a breast abnormality, and are used in women with and without symptoms.1-3 A mammogram can help a health professional decide whether a lump in the breast is a gland, a harmless cyst, or a tumor. When used for screening purposes, mammograms are utilized by health care providers to evaluate women who do not display symptoms or abnormal findings with the goal of detecting cancer prior to the onset of clinical symptoms.1-3 These mammograms may also locate calcium deposits referred to as microcalcifications, which may be related to breast cancer.1,2 Diagnostic mammograms on the other hand, are used to evaluate abnormal findings such as a lump, pain, skin changes, nipple thickening, nipple discharge, change in breast size or change in size of an existing lump.1-3 Diagnostic mammograms are also used to further evaluate abnormal screening mammogram findings or when a screening mammogram cannot adequately view the breast tissue, for example, when breast implants are present.1 What do mammograms show? The goal of a mammogram is to find cancer, however, other findings may be discovered during the test. Anten without Rx Some possible mammogram findings include:2,3 A mammography technician is trained to operate radiologic equipment used to examine breasts for cancer and other abnormalities. Lumps or masses The radiologist will evaluate the shape and contour of these findings to determine a suspicion for cancer versus a benign mass. About Sinemet (Carbidopa + Levodopa) with free prescription Benign masses generally appear smooth and round with a clearly defined border whereas cancerous masses appear more irregular with a jagged border. Buy Chamomile Tea online Calcifications A calcification (seen as white spots on a mammogram) is a calcium deposit often caused by cell secretions, cell debris, inflammation and trauma. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com There are two types of calcification - macrocalcifications and microcalcifications: Macrocalcification: these calcium deposits are large, often due to normal aging and are usually not cancerous Microcalcifications: very small deposits of calcium, which may be associated with cancer; they are generally found in areas where there are rapidly dividing cells. Distorted tissue, dense tissue or new breast densities Dense areas represent areas of the breast tissue that have more glands than fat. Masses and calcifications in these areas are challenging to identify; areas such as this may at times be representative of cancer, with distorted areas being possible spread to other surrounding tissue. On the next page we look at the benefits and risks of mammograms and when you should get a mammogram. 1 2 NEXT ▶

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

'Lack of evidence' to support benefits of medical marijuana

A number of US states have now legalized marijuana for medical use. Buy Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide) However, a new study published in JAMA has raised questions about the quality of evidence supporting the drug s effectiveness for treating certain conditions. Many of the studies suggesting cannabinoids are effective for treating certain medical conditions are of low-moderate quality, according to the authors of the meta-analysis. To date, 23 US states and Washington, DC, have legalized marijuana for medical use, with a further seven states pending legislation. While the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not approved the marijuana plant as a form of medicine, studies of the drug s active compounds, known as cannabinoids, have led to the approval of two medications - dronabinol and nabilone - that contain delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary cannabinoid in marijuana. Both dronabinol and nabilone are used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy among individuals in whom other medications have failed, while dronabinol is also used to treat weight loss and loss of appetite for people with HIV/AIDS. Previous studies have suggested that cannabinoids can also help treat chronic pain, Tourette syndrome, sleep disorders and other medical conditions. However, the team involved in this latest study - including Penny F. Seromycin (Cycloserine) with no prescription Whiting, PhD, of the University of Bristol in the UK - notes that, despite marijuana being widely used for medical purposes in the US and some other countries, the effectiveness of the drug in treating certain medical conditions is unclear. Low-, moderate-quality evidence supporting effectiveness of cannabinoids for medical use With this in mind, Whiting and colleagues conducted a review of 79 randomized clinical trials involving 6,462 participants that assessed the effectiveness of cannabinoids in treating the symptoms of an array of medical conditions. While the majority of studies indicated that cannabinoids could successfully treat symptoms of certain medical conditions, the researchers found many of these studies were not statistically significant. When it came to the use of cannabinoids for treatment of weight loss in HIV/AIDS patients, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, sleep disorders and Tourette syndrome, the researchers found there was low-quality evidence that the compounds were effective, while there was very low-quality evidence supporting the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of anxiety. The team identified moderate-quality evidence for the successful use of cannabinoids in treating chronic neuropathic or cancer pain and loss of muscle control as a result of multiple sclerosis (MS). The studies that found no effect on psychosis with cannabinoid use were of low-quality, the researchers found, and there was very low-level evidence that cannabinoids were ineffective against depression. Whiting and colleagues also assessed the occurrence of adverse side effects associated with cannabinoid use, which were reported in 62 of the studies included. Buy Mircette (Desogestrel / Ethinyl estradiol) without Rx They found cannabinoid use increased the risk of short-term adverse side effects. Amaryl without Rx Dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, euphoria, vomiting, disorientation, confusion, loss of balance and hallucination were among the most common adverse events identified. These findings did not differ depending on the type of cannabinoids used or the way they were administered, according to the researchers. They note that only two of the studies assessed the effectiveness of cannabis for medical use, though they found no evidence that cannabis produced different results to other cannabinoids. Based on their results, Whiting and colleagues say: "Further large, robust, randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm the effects of cannabinoids, particularly on weight gain in patients with HIV/AIDS, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, psychosis, glaucoma, and Tourette syndrome are required. Buy Tadacip (Tadalafil) with no Rx Further studies evaluating cannabis itself are also required because there is very little evidence on the effects and adverse events of cannabis." In an editorial linked to the study, Drs. Buy Butchers Broom online Deepak Cyril and Mohini Ranganathan, of the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT, say if US states wish to make marijuana widely available for medical purposes, then more rigorous research into the medical benefits of the drug is required. "Since medical marijuana is not a life-saving intervention, it may be prudent to wait before widely adopting its use until high-quality evidence is available to guide the development of a rational approval process," they add. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com "Perhaps it is time to place the horse back in front of the cart." In July 2014, a Spotlight feature from Medical News Today looked at the debate surrounding medical marijuana, which highlighted concerns from some physicians about the lack of reliable evidence supporting use of the drug for medical purposes. Written by Honor Whiteman

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Is yogurt good for you?

Yogurt has been a staple in the health food culture since the 1950s. About Ceftin (Cefuroxime) with no Rx Yogurt starts as fresh milk or cream that is often first pasteurized, then fermented with various live bacteria cultures and incubated at a specific temperature to encourage bacteria growth. Buy Thorazine (Chlorpromazine) with no Rx The bacteria convert the natural sugars in the milk to lactic acid (giving yogurt its tangy taste) and then the yogurt is strained to remove excess liquid and create the desired creamy consistency. Whether yogurt is a healthy choice depends on the individual and type of yogurt being consumed. Buy Herbal Penylarge () with no prescription There are plenty of yogurts that are high in protein, low in added sugar and free of unnecessary additives, but there are just as many if not more yogurts that have as much sugar as a can of soda and a list of ingredients you would not recognize as food. Aldactazide without prescription For someone with a milk allergy, any kind of yogurt would be off limits. Urso (Ursodiol) Lactose intolerant individuals may be able to tolerate yogurt depending on their level of intolerance. Buy Black Cohosh online Types of yogurt Yogurt has several common spellings depending on the area of the world. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Yogurt, yogourt, yoghurt and yoghourt are all correct. Yogurt products come in a wide variety of flavors, forms and textures. How good a yogurt is for you depends on the type of yogurt being consumed. Low fat or non-fat Low-fat yogurt, also labeled reduced fat yogurt, is made with 2% milk. Non-fat yogurt is made with 0% or skim milk. Greek yogurt Greek yogurt is thicker and creamier than regular yogurt. It can withstand heat better than regular yogurt and is often used in Mediterranean-style cooking and dips. Greek yogurt is made by further straining regular yogurt, removing the liquid whey and resulting in a higher protein content due to its thicker concentration. However, this further straining decreases the calcium content. Greek yogurt is available in full fat, reduced or low fat and non-fat or 0%. Skyr Similar to Greek yogurt, skyr (pronounced skeer) is an Icelandic-style yogurt that is dense, creamy and high in protein. Compared to regular yogurt, skyr requires 4 times the amount of milk to make and contains 2-3 times more protein. Frozen yogurt According to the National Yogurt Association: "Not all products termed frozen yogurt actually contain live and active cultures. Some so-called frozen yogurts use heat-treated yogurt, which kills the live and active cultures. To make sure that a frozen yogurt contains yogurt produced by traditional fermentation and has a significant amount of live and active cultures, look for the NYA Live & Active Cultures seal." Even with the live and active cultures, do not assume that a frozen yogurt is a healthy choice. Many frozen yogurts have just as much sugar per serving as the ice cream sitting next to it in the freezer section. Non-dairy yogurt For people who do not consume dairy, there are non-dairy yogurt alternatives such as soy yogurt and coconut milk yogurt. The good Probiotics Eating yogurt is one of the most common ways to consume the healthy bacteria beneficial to the gut known as probiotics. Probiotics are effective in regulating the digestive system and decreasing gas, diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Some research has suggested that probiotics can boost the immune system, help with weight management and reduce the risk of cancer.1 Consuming yogurt and other probiotic foods may even enhance absorption of vitamins and minerals. The two most common bacteria used to ferment milk into yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles, but many yogurts contain additional bacteria strains. To help consumers identify yogurts with live and active cultures, the National Yogurt Association has implemented the LAC (Life & Active Cultures) seal, found on the product container. In most cases, the number of live bacteria declines the longer the product sits on the shelf. Calcium Dairy products are one of the best dietary sources of calcium in terms of bioavailability. Calcium plays a primary role in the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth and is also important for blood clotting, wound healing and maintaining normal blood pressure. Always try to pair calcium-rich foods with a source of vitamin D, as vitamin D helps the small intestine to absorb calcium. Most yogurts also contain varying amount of vitamins B-6 and B-12, riboflavin, potassium and magnesium. The bad Massive amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners On its own, yogurt is a low calorie, high nutrient food packed with protein. However, many manufacturers load their yogurts with sugar, artificial sweeteners and unrecognizable ingredients. Always read the ingredients label and avoid heavily processed foods as much as possible. Manufacturers can stick whatever they want on a package to make it look healthy, but they cannot hide the actual ingredients. All yogurts will contain some natural sugars, but look for a yogurt with under 10 grams of sugar per serving. Yogurt-flavored products Packaged products like cereals and bars claiming to be "made with real yogurt" contain only a small amount of yogurt powder, which is heat-treated, killing the beneficial bacteria that yogurt is known for. When yogurt is heated to 120 degrees F, the beneficial bacteria are killed and no longer of benefit.2 The same goes for yogurt-covered raisins, pretzels, granola, etc. All contain yogurt "coatings" made from a combination of sugar, oil, whey and yogurt powder. Safe for lactose intolerance? People who experience discomfort, bloating or gas after consuming liquid milk or ice cream can often tolerate yogurt without symptoms. The lactose content in yogurt is very low, and the bacteria help the digestion process. Try a small amount of yogurt (1/4 cup) first to see how your body reacts. Because many people who are lactose intolerant are calcium deficient, yogurt can be a very important component of their diet. How to incorporate more yogurt into your diet Quick tips from a registered dietitian: Avoid flavored yogurts with heaps of sugar. Instead, sweeten plain yogurt yourself with fruit. Start with plain, unsweetened yogurt and sweeten it yourself with fruit, a small amount of pure maple syrup or honey Avoid most pre-made fruit and yogurt parfaits, which have tons of unnecessary added sugars When baking, substitute the butter or oil in the recipe with plain or lightly sweetened yogurt Use plain Greek yogurt to top your baked potato or tacos. Plain, unsweetened yogurt tastes just like sour cream but with twice the protein! Look for a yogurt that has more grams of protein per serving than sugar. Healthy recipes using yogurt: Carrot cake power smoothie Pumpkin pie power smoothie 100-calorie cranberry dark chocolate muffins Cranberry-maple breakfast bars Green chile and spinach quesadillas. Recent developments on yogurt from MNT news Eating yogurt regularly does not improve health, quality of life Yogurt is frequently lauded for its healthful properties, but a new study investigating the effects of regular yogurt consumption has suggested that it does not lead to improvements in health. Higher intake of yogurt linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes Researchers are calling for clinical trials to test whether eating yogurt helps avoid type 2 diabetes, after they found higher intake of the dairy food was linked to lower risk of developing the disease. Heavy metal poisoning: probiotic could protect children, pregnant women According to a recent study published in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology, yogurt containing probiotic bacteria successfully protected children and pregnant women against the effects of heavy metal exposure. Written by Megan Ware RDN LD

Monday, June 22, 2015

Portal Hypertension Therapeutics Pipeline Review, H1 2015 - 5 Companies & 5 Drug Profiles

. About Actos with no Rx DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (.researchandmarkets.com/research/8wsnl3/portal) has announced the addition of the "Portal Hypertension - Pipeline Review, H1 2015" report to their offering. This report provides comprehensive information on the therapeutic development for Portal Hypertension, complete with comparative analysis at various stages, therapeutics assessment by drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type, along with latest updates, and featured news and press releases. About Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) with free Rx Buy Atrovent (Ipratropium Bromide) with no Rx It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Portal Hypertension and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. The report enhances decision making capabilities and help to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage. Buy Arthritis - Muscle Pain Relief online Viagra Super Active (Sildenafil Citrate) with free prescription It strengthens R&D pipelines by identifying new targets and MOAs to produce first-in-class and best-in-class products. Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mezzion Pharma Co. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Buy Viagra Professional (Sildenafil Citrate) with free prescription Ltd. Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Phenex Pharmaceuticals AG Drug Profiles emricasan obeticholic acid ONO-1266 PX-20606 udenafil For more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/8wsnl3/portal

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Panic disorder linked to increased risk of heart attack, heart disease

Individuals who suffer from panic disorder, or panic attacks, may be at much higher risk of heart attack and heart disease later in life. Buy Actonel (Residronate) This is according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Medicine. As well as inducing a feeling of intense fear, panic attacks can cause physical symptoms including chest pain, heart palpitations and breathing problems - symptoms that researchers say could represent a misdiagnosed heart condition. Panic disorder is estimated to affect around 6 million adults in the US, with women twice as likely to develop the condition than men. Individuals with panic disorder experience sudden feelings of intense fear and loss of control that can last for several minutes, known as panic attacks. Zofran (Ondansetron) with free Rx During these attacks, people may also experience physical symptoms, including sweating, breathing problems, dizziness, racing heart, hot or cold chills, chest pain and stomach pain. Past studies have suggested an association between panic attacks and cardiovascular events. About Apcalis SX Oral Jelly (Tadalafil) A 2007 study by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, for example, found older women who have at least one panic attack may be at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. But according to the researchers of this latest study - including Prof. A-Ret with free prescription Gary Wittert of the University of Adelaide s School of Medicine in Australia - the link between panic disorder and heart disease "remains controversial." People who have panic attacks should closely monitor their heart health In an attempt to gain a better understanding of this association, Prof. Zovirax (Acyclovir) without prescription Wittert and colleagues conducted an analysis of 12 studies involving more than 1 million men and women, of whom 58,111 had coronary heart disease. Compared with individuals without panic disorder, those who did have the condition were found to be up to 36% higher risk of heart attack and up to 47% higher risk of heart disease. The researchers say their study has identified a clear link between panic disorder and heart disease. Buy Adrenal Insufficiency online However, they note that the exact mechanism underlying this association remains unclear. "The link between panic disorders and heart disease remains controversial, partly due to overlapping symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations and shortness of breath," explains Prof. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Wittert. "Furthermore, we can t rule out the possibility that in some people, the symptoms of a panic disorder represent a misdiagnosed heart condition," he adds. While the researchers note further studies are warranted to better understand how panic attacks affect an individual s heart, they say this current study indicates people who experience panic attacks and anxiety should keep a close eye on their heart health. Senior study author study Prof. John Beltrame, also of the University of Adelaide s School of Medicine, adds: "This new data suggesting a link between panic disorders and coronary heart disease, underscores the importance of these patients seeking medical attention for their chest pain symptoms and not merely attributing them to their panic attacks. Furthermore, if cardiac investigations reveal that the chest pain is due to an evolving heart attack, then early treatment may be lifesaving." Earlier this month, Medical News Today reported on study suggesting poor sleep can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, with the researchers calling for poor sleep to be added to the list of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Written by Honor Whiteman

Panic disorder linked to increased risk of heart attack, heart disease

Individuals who suffer from panic disorder, or panic attacks, may be at much higher risk of heart attack and heart disease later in life. Buy Actonel (Residronate) This is according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Medicine. As well as inducing a feeling of intense fear, panic attacks can cause physical symptoms including chest pain, heart palpitations and breathing problems - symptoms that researchers say could represent a misdiagnosed heart condition. Panic disorder is estimated to affect around 6 million adults in the US, with women twice as likely to develop the condition than men. Individuals with panic disorder experience sudden feelings of intense fear and loss of control that can last for several minutes, known as panic attacks. Zofran (Ondansetron) with free Rx During these attacks, people may also experience physical symptoms, including sweating, breathing problems, dizziness, racing heart, hot or cold chills, chest pain and stomach pain. Past studies have suggested an association between panic attacks and cardiovascular events. About Apcalis SX Oral Jelly (Tadalafil) A 2007 study by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, for example, found older women who have at least one panic attack may be at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. But according to the researchers of this latest study - including Prof. A-Ret with free prescription Gary Wittert of the University of Adelaide s School of Medicine in Australia - the link between panic disorder and heart disease "remains controversial." People who have panic attacks should closely monitor their heart health In an attempt to gain a better understanding of this association, Prof. Zovirax (Acyclovir) without prescription Wittert and colleagues conducted an analysis of 12 studies involving more than 1 million men and women, of whom 58,111 had coronary heart disease. Compared with individuals without panic disorder, those who did have the condition were found to be up to 36% higher risk of heart attack and up to 47% higher risk of heart disease. The researchers say their study has identified a clear link between panic disorder and heart disease. Buy Adrenal Insufficiency online However, they note that the exact mechanism underlying this association remains unclear. "The link between panic disorders and heart disease remains controversial, partly due to overlapping symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations and shortness of breath," explains Prof. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Wittert. "Furthermore, we can t rule out the possibility that in some people, the symptoms of a panic disorder represent a misdiagnosed heart condition," he adds. While the researchers note further studies are warranted to better understand how panic attacks affect an individual s heart, they say this current study indicates people who experience panic attacks and anxiety should keep a close eye on their heart health. Senior study author study Prof. John Beltrame, also of the University of Adelaide s School of Medicine, adds: "This new data suggesting a link between panic disorders and coronary heart disease, underscores the importance of these patients seeking medical attention for their chest pain symptoms and not merely attributing them to their panic attacks. Furthermore, if cardiac investigations reveal that the chest pain is due to an evolving heart attack, then early treatment may be lifesaving." Earlier this month, Medical News Today reported on study suggesting poor sleep can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, with the researchers calling for poor sleep to be added to the list of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Written by Honor Whiteman

PharMerica Corporation Announces Second Quarter 2014 Earnings Call and Webcast

. Buy Muscle Recovery online LOUISVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PharMerica Corporation (NYSE:PMC) announced today that it will provide an online webcast of its second quarter 2014 earnings conference call on Tuesday, August 5, 2014. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com The Company’s results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2014 will be released before the open of the market on Tuesday, August 5, 2014. The live broadcast of PharMerica’s conference call will begin at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, August 5, 2014. About Cialis Sublingual (Tadalafil) with free Rx A 30-day online replay will be available approximately one hour following the conclusion of the live broadcast. Buy Hard On (Sildenafil Citrate) without prescription A link to these events can be found under the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website, .pharmerica.com. About PharMerica PharMerica Corporation is a leading institutional pharmacy services company that services healthcare facilities in the United States, provides pharmacy management services to hospitals, specialty infusion services to patients outside a hospital setting, and offers the only national oncology pharmacy and care management platform in the United States. About Xylocaine (Lidocaine) with free prescription PharMerica operates 95 institutional pharmacies, 14 specialty infusion centers and 5 specialty oncology pharmacies in 45 states. About Co-amoxiclav PharMerica’s customers are institutional healthcare providers, such as skilled nursing facilities, nursing centers, assisted living facilities, hospitals, individuals receiving in-home care and other long-term alternative care providers.

Thailand reports first MERS case

. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com hailand has confirmed the country s first case of Middle East respiratory syndrome, while South Korea, the country most affected by MERS outside of the Arabian Peninsula, confirms case number 166. Infection with MERS-CoV - shown here in lung tissue - leads to severe acute respiratory illness, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. On Thursday, Thailand s public health minister Rajata Rajatanavin told the press that a 75-year-old man from the Middle East, who had recently traveled to the kingdom with his family, has tested positive for Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). On Friday, South Korea s Ministry of Health and Welfare announced the country s 166th confirmed case of MERS in a family member of a patient being treated at the Samsung Medical Center in the capital Seoul. MERS is a respiratory illness caused by infection with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

It first appeared in humans in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread to several other countries, including the US. People who become infected with MERS-CoV develop severe acute respiratory illness, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. About 36% of patients confirmed with MERS-CoV infection have died. Nobody knows where MERS-CoV comes from, but there is evidence that it likely arose in animals. Buy Zocor (Simvastatin) with free prescription MERS-CoV has been found in camels in several countries, and there is also genetic evidence that MERS may have started in bats in Saudi Arabia. WHO say MERS not a Public Health Emergency of International Concern The case in Thailand brings to 16 the total number of countries outside the Arabian Peninsula to have reported confirmed cases of MERS. Buy Brand Cialis (Tadalafil) without prescription The other countries include: Austria, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, the UK and the US. As well as Saudi Arabia, countries in or near the Arabian Peninsula with MERS cases include: Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. The new patient in Thailand is thought to have traveled from Oman. MERS has spread most alarmingly in South Korea, where since it was first reported there in May 2015, it has claimed 24 lives. Abacavir Sulphate with no Rx Most of the patients who died were older, high-risk, patients with underlying medical conditions such as cardio- cerebrovascular disease, cancer and chronic respiratory disease. Meanwhile, following an emergency meeting to discuss MERS-CoV, the World Health Organization (WHO) say while they consider the MERS outbreak to be "a wake-up call," they conclude that the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) have not been met. WHO say that in a highly mobile world, all countries should be ready for unexpected outbreaks of this nature and that the current situation highlights "the need to strengthen collaboration between health and other key sectors, such as aviation, and to enhance communication processes." A recent joint mission between WHO and the Korean authorities concluded a number of factors contributed to the spread of MERS in South Korea. About Zofran (Ondansetron) without prescription These include: lack of awareness among health workers and the public, inadequate infection control in hospitals, crowded emergency rooms and multibed rooms in hospitals, the custom of visitors staying with infected patients, and the practice of "doctor shopping" where patients seek care at multiple hospitals. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not recommend that Americans change their travel plans because of MERS. Buy Adults - ADD | ADHD online The current CDC travel notice remains at Watch Level 1, and the federal agency website lists precautions travelers can take to prevent MERS. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD